GB Tech USA, Inc. is a Wholesale & Retail Medical Supply Facility located in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, a distributor of short-date, in-date, and expired medical supplies and equipment.

We offer short-dated medical supplies to labs, universities, pharmacies, clinics, veterinarians, and many other medical health care providers who are in need when pharmaceuticals and suppliers have overstock with limited expiration dates. Short-dated pharmaceuticals become available when an excess supply of a specific drug is manufactured, or when the products have short-term expiration dates.

At GB Tech USA, Inc. you can find wholesale medical supplies, lab equipment, ambulatory and post-acute care medical supplies for hospitals, clinics, universities, schools, laboratories, etc.

We are a USA-based medical supply facility, and our goal is focused on the repurposing of excess medical supplies for laboratories, universities, and other countries in need. We ship medical supplies to health care providers on multiple continents and in many different countries. We have established relationships with doctors, hospitals, and health care providers from Latin America, India, the Middle East, and multiple countries in Africa and Asia.

We have a caring, capable team dedicated to great customer service. Our online store continues to grow, and our team is constantly uploading products daily and maintaining inventory of all available products in stock and ready for shipping

Our team has a well-deserved reputation of excellence in providing smart, sensible, and cost-effective business solutions for our clients. We serve a wide range of clientele, and every client relationship is valued greatly and treated with dignity and respect. Each engagement benefits from the depth and breadth of our expertise.​


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2773 Peters Rd. Suite 17
Fort Pierce, Florida, 34945, USA

Office hours:

 9am – 5pm,  Monday-Friday

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